The Fish Database of Taiwan(
陳餘鋆, 2002. 台灣深海鰻類的分類,分布,柔軟器官及以腦部形態與尾鰭骨骼探討真鰻類及糯鰻亞目之親緣關係; 楊瑋庭 , 2011. 碩士論文:台灣合鰓鰻科魚類之初步分類研究.; Gilbert, C. H., 1891. Descriptions of apodal fishes from the tropical Pacific. In: scientific results of explorations by the U. commission steamer albatross. Proceedings of the united states national museum. 14 (856): 347-352.; Sulak K. J. and Shcherbachev Y.N. , 1997. Zoogeography and systematics of synaphobranchid eels, with a key to taxa and description of two new species of Ilyophis. Bulletin of marine science, 60(3): 1158-1194.; Robins, C. H. and C. R. Robins, 1989.Fishes of the western north Atlantic. 1(9): 207-252.